Mustang Advanced Engineering has several 2WD, AWD and motorcycle speedometer testers are designed to certify the accuracy of a vehicle’s speedometer. Constructed using heavy-duty structural steel frames, precision machined and dynamically balanced rollers and oversized bearings and belts, a Mustang speedometer tester is built to last. Mustang’s Speedo Tester Software provides for speedometer tests in 5 mph increments from 25 to 125 mph and makes certifying and calibrating speedometers simple and easy. Portable versions of our speedo testers are available as well.
All wheel Drive Speedometer Tester Series
Type: Cradle-roll configuration
Max Load Per Axle: 11,023 lbs.
Frame: Heavy-duty structural steel
Sensor Type: Digital Pulse Speed Sensor
Max Speed: 125 mph
Roll Diameter: 8.575″ precision machined & balanced
Wheelbase: 96’ – 122” standard wheelbase (longer avail.)
Air Requirements: 80-100 PSI, Dry, Reg. oil free
Power Requirements: 115 VAC Single Phase, 60 Hz, 15 Amps
Mechanically-Link AWD Speedometer Tester
Mustang’s AWD-05K-ST Series incorporates a mechanically-linked internal drive system that synchronizes the front and back rollers to simulate a flfl at, dry road condition. Synchronization, or linkage, insures that the front and rear rollers are always spinning at precisely the same road speed. This process eliminates the possibility of activating a vehicle’s traction control system and also insures that a vehicle’s torque management system is operating under the assumption that the vehicle is not skidding, turning or slipping. A speedo tester that can accommodate various types of AWD vehicle transmissions and wheelbases without excessive complication and, more importantly, without risking damage to an AWD system is paramount.
Handles Two-Wheel Drive Traction & Stability Control Systems
Mustang’s AWD Speedometer Testers can be operated in AWD Mode while testing 2WD vehicles. This process allows the non-driven axle to be spun by the dynamometer rollers at the same speed as the driven axle, eliminating the speed differential issues that occurs on 2WD testers.
Optional Air Actuated “On-Off” Coupler
Switching between 2WD and AWD mode on the AWD-05K-ST is done with a simple click of the mouse. Mustang Dynamometer engineered an automatic “On-Off” coupler that is both robust and easy to control. An air piston and arm combination opens and closes a toothed coupling assembly. Engaging the system places the speedo tester in AWD mode, disengaging the coupling places it back in traditional 2WD mode. What could be easier?
MD-AWD-05K-ST Series
Type: Cradle-roll configuration
Max Load Per Axle: 11,023 lbs.
Frame: Heavy-duty structural steel
Sensor Type: Digital Pulse Speed Sensor
Max Speed: 125 mph
Roll Diameter: 8.575″ precision machined & balanced
Wheelbase: 96’ – 122” standard wheelbase (longer avail.)
Air Requirements: 80-100 PSI, Dry, Reg. oil free
Power Requirements: 115 VAC Single Phase, 60 Hz, 15 Amps
Two wheel Drive Speedometer Tester Series
Mustang Dynamometer offers the ONLY CERTIFIED AWD SPEEDOMETER TESTER for testing Next-Generation AWD and 2WD traction & stability control vehicles.
MD-05K-ST Series
Type: Cradle-roll configuration
Max Load Per Axle: 11,023 lbs.
Frame: Heavy-duty structural steel
Sensor Type: Digital Pulse Speed Sensor
Max Speed: 125 mph
Roll Diameter: 8.575″
Air Requirements: 80-100 PSI, Dry, Reg. oil free
Power Requirements: 115 VAC Single Phase, 60 Hz, 15 Amps
Portable Series
Mustang manufactures a number of portable versions of our speedometer testers. Depending upon the speedo tester that is specified, Mustang can offer an enclosed trailer design or a flatbed trailer-mounted portability system to meet your specific application requirements. Mustang’s portable systems include every item needed – from wheel chocks to an advanced computer control system – to ensure successful portable operation. A Mustang portable system incorporates every desirable aspect of our traditional speedometer testers into a portable system that can be moved and set-up in a matter of minutes by a crew of only one or two guys.
Portable systems include a standard PC-based control system, roll-around instrumentation cart, a fully-equipped mobility transport system, vehicle restraint kits, air compressor, and electric power generators. Mustang makes slight modifications to existing product specifications – including utilizing lighter materials, shorter frames, and incorporating additional safety measures to achieve the same level of product quality and durability in our portable systems that is traditionally associated with any Mustang Advanced Engineering product.