Wind Turbine Test Systems

Mustang Advanced Enginerring is a global industry leader in the design and manufacture of advanced wind turbine dynamometers and wind turbine component testing solutions.

MAE’s expertise spans a wide range of performance and quality requirements for manufacturers and owners of wind turbines. Our global wind turbine engineering capabilities include a wide range of safety, certification, performance, research and development, quality and failure analysis testing solutions.

MAE wind experts help wind power clients to better design, produce, install and maintain turbines for enhanced performance, reduced downtimes and greater productivity.

Mustang Advanced Engineering’s wind turbine testing solutions help turbine manufacturers, component manufacturers, power generation companies and many others to maximize performance, develop grid tie and power storage solutions, and validate component designs.

MAE Wind Experts Help Wind Power Clients To Better Design, Produce, Install And Maintain Turbines For Enhanced Performance, Reduced Downtimes And Greater Productivity.

Standard Features:

  • Grid Tie
  • Gearbox / Generator
  • Direct Drive Generator
  • Generator
  • Power Electronics
  • Complete Turbine Control System
  • Preventative Maintenance And System Optimization Software