Mustang can assist you with the engineering and supply of your Facility Support systems. Mustang has been supplying facility support systems since the 1975. Over the past 45 years we have designed and installed many custom and standard Facility Support systems to meet our Customer’s needs. Our operating arrangement with the customer are flexible, we can partner with our customer, we can work as the prime contractor or as sub-contractor.
Mustang has the expertise in the design, installation and support of your Facility Support Needs. We will seamlessly integrate and make full function of these systems and testing equipment into your facility.
Facility Support Items:
- Facility Design Services
- Prefabricated Modular Panel Facilities and Test Cells
- Prefabricated Containerized Test Cells
- Pit, Foundation and/or Inertia Blocks Design and installation
- Electric Supply and Distribution System
- Water Cooling Tower
- Fuel Supply and Fuel Delivery Monitoring and Conditioning Systems
- Hydraulic Power Units (HPU)
- Intake Air, Exhaust Extraction, Air Management and HVAC:
- Drive Shaft and Torque Limiters and Spindle Bearings:
- Cable, Pipe and Hose Management Systems
- Equipment Movement Systems, Conveyors, Cranes, Lifts, Carts
- Sound Suppression & Abatement
- Safety, Fire and Explosion – Suppression & Mitigation
- Facility Interface Control and Monitoring System:
Please contact Mustang to further discuss your testing requirements and we will assist you.
Mustang Advanced Engineering can supply simple or complex facility system made to your requirements or chossen from our standard configured products. All support systems will be professionally engineered, manufactured, installled, commissioned and supported.
MAE Sales Team Members: Phone us at 1-330-963-5400 or Email us at
Facility Design Services:
Mustang can assist with the complete, partial or upgrade design of your facility and test cells. We are Design experts in the development of Test Cell and Test Facility for Production, Remanufacturing and Research & Development. We have been involved with Greenfield builds, facility additions and facility modifications of Test Cells and Facilities. Our expertise extends to stick and brick builds, prefabrication builds and containerized test stands (which are considered equipment not buildings). We can perform as the general contractor or as a subcontractor, we will work with your team. Designing Facilities and Test Cells such as Hush Houses, TurboFan Test Cells, TurboShaft Test Cells, APU Test Cells, Diesel Engine Test Cells, Gasoline Engine Test Cells, CNG Engine Test Cells, Hybrid Engine Cells and Engine Component Test Cells is what Mustang Advanced Engineering is an expert in. Mustang can supply stamped and certified drawings as required.
Prefabricated Modular Panel Facilities and Test Cells:
Prefabricated builds are a quickly assembled and cost-effective method of constructing a new building, adding an addition to an existing building or retrofitting an existing building floor with a panelized prefabricated modular building or test cell. This is a popular alternative to traditional sticks and brick buildings solution in many testing sectors. Depending on installation and design requirements the panelized structure could actually be part of the test equipment and expansion of an existing building. The modular panelized buildings can be a movable structure and assembled for temporary or permanent use.
Prefabricated modular buildings can be designed with sound abatement and absorption walls, doors, windows, floors, air intake handling and air exhaust. These are excellent solutions for Test Stands used for Engine, Turbine, Transmission and rotating equipment. HVAC, air handling, and facility support systems are easily routed within or on the outside of the panel facility/test cell. Additional Fire monitoring and suppression can easily be added.
Prefabricated Containerized Test Cells:
(Please reference the Containerized & Deployable Test Systems Section in the Military Section of this website for additional information)
Containerized Test Cells are easily assembled by Mustang to make them easily deployable by our customers. These test cells are an integral part of the test equipment, not considered a new facility. The Containerized Test Cells can consist of a single container or multiple containers to make a test cell. The containers can be designed and constructed to be stacked to increase ceiling height and fit with cranes to move equipment in out of the containers. The containerized system routinely has an isolated control, data acquisition and monitoring area along with isolated test cell subsystem and test cell support item area. Some systems may have an isolated area for test article consumable and conditioning area. The containerized systems can have Fire mitigation, fire, suppression explosive gas air handling and monitoring integrated into the container.
Not all test cells are required to be a single container we have application whereby we assemble multiple containers to create a test cell. When required we stack containers to increase test cell height and we expand test cell width by attaching containers side by side.
We have application where we build a testing facility using containerized test stands, control rooms, electrical power room, test article and test stand subsystem room, storage rooms with external water chiller cooling systems, fuel delivery system, engine air intake system, engine exhaust systems and more. We have assembled systems with up to 16 containers to create test facilities.
Other applications of these containerized systems is to expand existing EOL of testing where we attach/integrate to the outside of a building via a door is a standalone containerized test stand which does not impact the rest of the facility fire ratings.
Pit, Foundation and/or Inertia Blocks:
Mustang is an engineering firm and has a vast amount of experience in the design of facility foundations, bed plates, machine foundations, pits and inertia blocks. Mustang has delivered over 25,000 test stands that require foundation, bed plates, pit or inertia block designs. We have designed foundation for large mass machines with large inertia loads and lightweight high-speed machines. Designing Foundations, pits and inertia blocks is just part of designing and selling the type of test equipment we sell.
Electric Supply and Distribution System:
Mustang is able to design, supply and install an electrical power distribution system for your facility, test cell and/or test equipment. We are experts in safe power system design from placing transformers, UPS, conduits, switchgear, motor drives/starters, generators, wiring, braking resistors, lighting, HVAC and associated electrical equipment. Depending on the facility requirements we can supply remote generators and remote power control containers where the high-power equipment is mounted in a Power Control Container either mounted outside the facility or inside the facility. Mustang has worked on facilities with multiple megawatt capacity using high voltage, medium voltage and low voltage industries. Ancillary electrical communication, audio visual, security and monitoring systems can also be designed and installed by Mustang.
Water Cooling Tower & Chiller Systems:
Routinely Mustang designs, supplies and installs Water-Cooling Tower Systems and Chiller Systems. We also routinely interfaces to existing Water-Cooling Towers and on occasion we expand existing Water-Cooling Towers Systems as well as Chiller Systems. The Water-Cooling Systems and Chillers are normally designed based on the physical plant location of the tower due to local environmental conditions and the test facility/cell design requirements. When Water Cooling Systems are designed for containerized systems, we use the harshened environment the container is expected to be deployed into for our installation environment . In some R&D facilities we also supply Cryogenic cooling systems to super cool test articles or components for cold temperature testing.
Fuel Supply and Fuel Delivery Monitoring and Conditioning Systems:
Mustang typically looks at the fuel system as two separate entities:
i. Facility Fuel Supply System, consisting of a large fuel tank with transfer pump
ii. Test Cell Fuel Conditioning and Monitoring System
The facility fuel supply system, typically consisting of a bulk fuel storage tank, level monitoring with transfer pumps. The transfer pumps can supply fuel directly to the engine test cell via a hose or fuel can be manually transferred to a portable tank to be taken to the test cell area.
The test cell fuel monitoring and condition systems will receive fuel from the facility fuel supply system and temperature condition the fuel, measure supply fuel flow, temperature and pressure to ascertain fuel flow rates to the engine.
Mustang can supply small single cylinder engine fuel system and large Jet Engine with afterburner fuel systems. Mustangs fuel systems can consist of single feed fuel rail system or a multiple feed and return system. Various fuels types can be measured and the appropriate fuel line type, seals, filters will be supplied. Reference Mustangs Vehicular Fuel System literature in the down load section.
Hydraulic Power Units (HPU):
Another facility utility system commonly used in testing is the Hydraulic Power Supply Units which provide pressurized conditioned oil for actuators, hydraulic loading units, bearings, and other test cell and test article items. These HPU are typically integrated into the test cell as a facility support item. Some of these HPU systems require both cooling and heating capabilities. Mustang can size virtually any size system you may desire. Mustang has supplied hundreds of these systems as standalone system and integrated within the facility.
Engine Intake Air, Exhaust Extraction, Air Management and HVAC:
Engine Testing requires the management and conditioning of the intake air as well as the exhaust, by controlling temperature, pressure and humidity to give repeatable engine measurement results. Vehicle testing also requires management of the intake air (Blowers) and management of the possibly exhaust through emissions analyzers or routed to the outdoors through a muffler or scrubber. Facility temperatures and humidity is also critical to control with an HVAC system is very important. Certain engine testing requires condition air to supply intake air at certain temperature, humidity and pressure. Other air management systems require fluid analysis of the air intake to and Turbine engine and air flow analysis of the air around the engine to the exhaust. Air management, control and monitoring in a test cell requires Mustangs specialized engineering capabilities. In certain engine applications noise suppression is an important consideration with regards to air management as well as intake ducts, air vanes, grids, screens and test article interface, iris, bell-mouth, velocity stacks and cones. It is Mustangs intent to supply the appropriate air to the test article with reduce turbulence, reduced noise and pressure drop so the air system meets the customers requirements. Mustang can assist you with your intake, exhaust, air management and HVAC air requirements.
Cable, Pipe, Tube, Hose and Duct Management Systems:
Mustang develops our physical routing of our Cable, Pipe and Hose Management Systems using Solidworks CAD program. When require we perform fluid and thermal analysis on the piping and hose management system to verify, we have proper flow and placement of transducers. There are many important aspects of test cells cable, pipe and hose management system design. One of the first one that come to mind is esthetics but more important is function design without interfere with equipment movement and access to the equipment during testing and inspection. A properly design systems also includes test article connections that can be securely, safely and easily attached without fear of incidence. Keeping runs short, with minimal bends makes a more robust, cost-effective system that can last longer.
Equipment Movement Systems, Conveyors, Cranes, Lifts, Carts
Mustang has developed and supplied thousands of different test article holding fixtures and mounting adapters. engine carts, thrust frames, overhead cranes, floor mounted guide rails and cart assemblies, vertical and horizontal power-driven frame structures, conveyor systems for material and product waste, jacking and lifting vehicles and hydraulic actuated 6dof loading systems. Some of these items are COTs items or modified COTs items while others are developed based on the testing needs. Depending on requirements Mustang can supply structural analysis, simulation and FEA on the different structures. The systems are design for minimal operator interaction and simple test article loading, dressing, testing, undressing and unloading.
Sound Suppression & Abatement:
With Mustangs extensive experience in developing test stand and test cells we have been exposed to many different sound suppression and abatement requirements. Mustang has an excellent understanding of the acoustical field and we also use the knowledge of our supplier’s acoustical engineer to assist in the design these systems within the test cell environment. The operator and technician’s health safety and wellbeing are the first fundamental design criteria for any test cell. Depending on the sound source, facility material and testing duration different techniques may be used to mitigate the sound level at the location of the operator.
Safety, Fire and Explosion – Suppression & Mitigation:
When designing an engine testing facility and/or test cell the safety of all humans associated with the facility, test cell and test stand is first fundamental design criteria. The engine test facility and test cell design have some unique design parameters due the presences of fuel within the test cell and in or around the facility. The first line of defense is to limit the amount of fuel in the test cell where the potential for an incident is highest. Sensors monitoring for the unexpected presence of raw fuel within the test cell is required, the movement of air through the test cell is also important to reduce the buildup or potential flammable condition with in the test cell. Special construction requirements of the test cell are also required such as blow out panels in case of an explosion, air damper shutoffs vents to limit air for combustion, doors and windows constructed to withstand and explosion. A fire suppression system will be installed in the test cell with fire sensors and manual buttons to extinguish a fire. Door safety switches and push bars are installed to limit unauthorized access to the test cell during testing. A facility safety PLC is installed to monitor the health of the facility, surrounding environment, utilities and facilities subsystems such as fuel supply, cooling water, etc. The facility Safety PLC is tied into the test cell PLC/Controller so both can monitor and communicate what is happening in their respective environments.
Facility Interface Control and Monitoring System:
Mustang can interface to your existing Facility monitoring and control system. We routinely interface to these Safety rated controllers by either Digital contact interface or by communications protocol interface. Additionally, Mustang can also engineer and install a Facility Control and Monitoring System to upgrade your existing facility.
Carts, Stands, Adapters Loading Units:
Mustang engineers and manufactures many different types of carts, stands, adapters and isolation systems depending on the application. We have standard universal type engine stands as well custom stands.
Video Camera, Inferred Camera, Thermal Imaging Monitoring Systems:
Mustang can support your engine testing needs by installing Video monitoring equipment of the test article and the test cell. This can be a standalone system or integrated into the control system. We have integrated Thermal imaging systems to monitor the test article temperatures during certain portions of the test and captured this information. We can configure our software to record video and/or camera pictures. These requirements are normally discussed during the development of the system specifications. We can also add this capability to existing test stands.