MAE supplies a broad range of jet engine testing systems to test various turbine engines
- turbine testing
- turbine engine testing
- high speed water brake
- turbine test stands
- turbine test rigs
- gas-turbine testing
- gas-turbine engine testing
- gas-turbine test stands
- jet engine testing
- jet engine test stands
Mustang is an expert in the supply of Turbine engine testing systems. We can support your testing needs by suppling components, engineering or a complete testing facility. These complete testing facilities can be portable containerized systems or constructed from traditional stick and bricks. Each different engine type will require different test stand supports, data acquisition, load measuring systems, facility support equipment to properly operate and measure the engines performance.
Couple to the engine will be a loading unit(s) that will require facility support equipment to properly operate and remove the loading power from the engine. The loading unit type and size will be dependent on the engines testing specifications. In some cases, several loading unit types may be used to meet the test engines testing specifications. Mustang has a full line of loading units, test article support equipment and facility support equipment to support your testing needs. We can also supply facility design and construction support at whatever level you may require. Mustang has a full line of testing equipment able assist you with testing your engines.
- TurboShaft
- TurboProp
- TurboJet
- TurboFan
Mustang can also support, calibrate, refurbish and upgrade existing engine testing equipment and facility support equipment.
Typical Loading Unit Types:
- AC-Loading Units
- Eddy Current Loading Units
- Water Brake Loading Units
- Fan Loading Units
- Hydraulic Loading Units
- Oil Shear Loading Units
- Sometimes these loading units may be combined with a gearbox depending on engine performance criteria and physical attachment capabilities.
- Other type of loading units can be supplied as required by the application.
Please consult with Mustang’s Sales and Engineering team to discuss your testing needs.