Mobile / Portable Test and Data Acquisition Systems
Take Mustang on the GO! Mustang’s Mobile and Portable Test and Data Acquisition Software Systems allow you to take our systems anywhere. The units can be configured for many different environments such as; High Shock & g, EMI/RFI, Water Proof, Extreme Temperature, Outdoor Open to the Elements and General Lab use. These portable systems are PDA, Lap Top, Industrialized portable computer or specific build controller compatible. The systems are easily configured to control and gather data. This includes Tow Dynamometers, Track Testing, Road Testing, Service Bay Testing, In-Flight Testing, In or Under Water Testing, Military Field Support and Repair Equipment.
In addition to our Control and Data Acquisition Systems Mustang has several other portable Test and Data Acquisition systems. The first is an electronic Transmission Control Module and the second is an in vehicle OBD II data logger capable of both generic and manufacturer specific data. The data from both of these systems can be integrated with the aforementioned data acquisition and control system.
Test Stand
Mustang’s Test Stand software is able to adapt to virtually any Test Stand Hardware provided it has a known interface. Use Mustang’s Test Stand software to UPGRADE your existing system or purchase it with a new test stand system. Mustang has developed multiple standard test stand applications for the Test Stand Software. The Test Stand software is highly configurable for your Test Stand and Data Acquisition Application.
Test Cell
For complicated Test Stands with Multiple Subsystems and Test Cell Supervision responsibilities Mustang has developed Test Cell ™ Control and Data Acquisition Test System. This system is able to monitor and control all elements within the test cell provided equipment interfaces are available and the appropriated DAC is available. Data is stored locally or it can directed via network to a mapped drive.
Test Facility
Mustang has a larger Enterprise Control and Data Acquisition Solution where multiple Test Stands are operated within a single or in several facilities. The Test Facility System uses multiple Test Cell Control and Data Acquisition Software Systems along with their respective Test Cell’s Equipment Configuration File to allow a Test Engineer to write test scripts at the engineer’s desk. In addition to writing test scripts the engineer can also remotely view data from their desk. The Test Facility system also allows for secured remote Web access of Test Cell Data.

When it comes to Production and QC Test and Data Acquisition Systems the Buck Stops Here! Mustang has several scalable systems for your needs. Mustang offers simple, single position production line control and data acquisition system (MAE-PROD-SING) where the test sequence is located on the Test Stand controller and data is saved both locally and mapped to a network drive if available. The next level of system Mustang offers is a Multiple Position Test Stand System (MAE-PROD-MULT) where again the test sequence is located on the test stand controller and data from the different positions is saved locally as well as saved back at a production line database. Mustangs Larger Scale Production Line System (MAE-PROD-MAPS2) is capable of monitoring and controlling Multiple Production Positions as well as holding the test sequence in an offline database along with a comprehensive Test Database for report generation. The system can operate a single production line position or up to several hundred production line positions. MAPS2can be operating across multiple facilities while test data and test sequences can be generated at a single location.
MAPS2 is our customer configurable, scalable productions testing software system and will assist with full production testing, material flow and data management. Mustang’s production software can be configured for single position testing or configured for multiple position testing and data management.
MAPS2 has three basic building blocks for your production testing needs. 1. Developing Test Producers, 2. Performing Test Procedures and Interfacing to the Test Equipment, 3. Test Data Database.
Test Procedures are developed off line and associated with particular test articles and particular pass/fail criteria loaded in a database. This allows for fast Test Procedure development and simple modification and organization of pass/fail parameters in a database.
The Test Stand follows a general test flow process: 1. Test Article(s) is Identified, 2. Test & Pass/Fail parameters are associated with the Test Article, 3. Testing Equipment is Configured for the Test Articles, 4. Test Article is loaded, 5. Test is Performed & Data Retrieved and Analyzed on the Test Article, 6. Test Article Pass/Fail Determined, 7. Test Report & File Generated, 8. Test Article Un-Loaded and Indexed to Proper Pass/Fail Location, 9. Test Report Data Saved Locally, 10. Test Report Data Sent to MAPS2 Production Line Test Article Database.
A Production Line Test Article Database can be configured to hold the Test Report Data, to sort and organize data, and to generate custom reports and print outs. The Production Line Test Article Database can be interfaced with other facility Databases. Existing Legacy data can be imported to extend the database sorting and reporting capability.
Inspection/Maintenance Testing Lanes
Mustang’s Inspection / Maintenance Software is the same software used in our Production Software Systems. Mustang has configured our Production Line Test Software Systems to operate in the Inspection / Maintenance testing environment. The different software packages can be configured for different testing programs. Mustang supplied Inspection /Maintenance Testing Equipment for:
- IM-240 Emission Testing
- ASM-Emission Testing
- Vmass Emission Testing
- Diesel-Lug Down Emission Testing
- Transient Diesel Emission Testing
- Headlight Testing
- Brake Testing
- Suspension Testing
- Alignment Testing (Toe In/Out)
- Speedometer Testing
- Sound Level Testing
- OBD Testing
- Taxi Meter Testing
- Visual Inspection
The Inspection/Maintenance programs are normally classified as:
- Centralized: This model is structured around centrally located and purpose built testing facilities housing government mandated production level testing equipment to test vehicles to emissions and/or safety standards. Centralized Contractors bids to the government to operate the complete system and supplying the buildings, test equipment and personnel.
- Decentralized: This Model is a better example of a free market approach where there is not a centralized contractor operating the completer system but there is participation by local businesses. This open to the public approach, attracts local businesses (typically vehicle service centers) to participate and purchase testing equipment to install in their existing facilities. The testing equipment is supplied by third party sources and certified by the government agency then sold to the participating local business. The local businesses must have network capability typically through the internet to a centrally located host database computer. The oversight for the Decentralized System may be operated by a government agency or contracted to a centralized type contractor.
- Hybrid: As the name indicates this is a combination of Centralized and Decentralized Models. Whereby both Centrally located testing facilities are set-up along with certain number of Decentralized testing locations operated by local business. This Model normally has a contractor oversee both the Centralized and Decentralized portions of the program and supply the Database.
The Decentralized Inspection / Maintenance Software System normally requires a prepackage equipment set to be purchased by a local business and installed in their facility. This model follows the free market approach whereby many local businesses can take part in the testing program which creates a higher distribution of testing centers. In most cases the high density of testing centers is more convenient to the public. A third party equipment supply company submits their equipment to the government for testing then obtains certification from the government agency to supply equipment to the local business. The equipment has securities and network connectivity to a hosted database. The systems can operate in a standalone mode without database connectivity for a certain number of test prior to downloading the data to the centralized database. This system depends on printed reports more so then real time up-dates at the government’s registry agency offices to control the license plates and vehicle registration task.
The Centralized Inspection / Maintenance Software System is a highly configurable and fully networked system used in governmental mandated Vehicle Inspection / Maintenance Programs. A typical system is configured with multiple facilities housing safety and emissions equipment in multiple drive through testing lanes. Each testing lane consists of safety equipment, emissions equipment, sticker printers, report printers, bar code readers and other equipment all connected to a Lane Control Computer. Within a facility all of the Lane Control Computers are networked to a Facility Monitoring Computer. Since there are multiple facilities all of the Facility Monitoring Computers are networked to a Central Hosting Computer Database (aka VID). The VID shares the test result data from the test lanes with the Government’s Vehicle Registry’s Agencies database. When the data transfer between the VID and the Governments Vehicle Registry Agency’s database is performed in Real Time it allows instant up-date of vehicle data at the agency’s field offices which control the issuing of license plates and vehicle registration.
Vehicle Tuning, Repair and Diagnostic Systems
Mustang Advanced Engineering offers a comprehensive vehicle tuning, repair and diagnostic product line in conjunction with our sister company Mustang Dynamometer.
The Tuning systems normally operate the vehicle or engine on a test stand capable of controlling load or speed of the vehicle whiel a ECM programmer adjust the Fuel and Spark maps in the ECM thus the system requires a loading test stand and a ECM programmer.
TUNING: The Tuning product line supports vehicle tuning whereby tuners operate vehicle specific ECM software to adjust the nominal OEM engine operating maps for fuel delivery and spark control while the vehicle is under different throttle, speed and load control. Thus the Tuner adjust the factory default calibration of the vehicle. This is typically performed after new or modified parts are applied to the vehicle’s engine or powertrain.
REPAIR: The Repair systems normally require a vehicle ECM interface like our OBD scan tool to interface to the vehicle and verify any OBD codes. A customer will bring in a vehicle for repair when the Red MIL (Malfunction Indication Light) is illuminated. The technician using the OBD tool reads the ECMs faul codes and determines what needs to be repair based on the fault code and repairs the vehicle following the required repair procedures. Once the vehicle is repaired the ECM still has a fault code and the RED MIL light is illuminated. Nest the technician will clear the fault code which will turn the Red dash mounted MIL off. But when the operator clears the fault code the Vehicle Monitor Registers are cleared as well. So how do we know that the vehicle was repaired correctly and when the customer takes the vehicle back on the road and drives the vehicle through a certain speed, throttle and load sequence that the vehicles monitors perform a diagnostic check and turns the MIL back on thus causing the customer to be frustrated and brining the vehicle back for repair or going to another repair facility and losing your customer. Mustang has repair validation dynamometer and software tool that has over 1500 OBD drivers traces loaded which allows the operator to drive the vehicle on a dynamometer and put the vehicle through the proper speed, throttle and load points to trigger the ECM to run diagnostic checks on the particular Monitor Register to verify if the repair was enough or not.
The OBD Drivers traces requires the vehicle to be driven through a series of speed, throttle and load points prior to the ECM running a self diagnostic to check to see if the repaired items actually fixed the fault the vehicle display on the ECM that the technician read with OBD tool.
Mustang has a comprehensive library of over 1,500 OBD drive traces. The OBD drive traces are vehicle year, make, model, engine size and several other vehicle identification variables dependent. Thus the technician selects from a pull down menu the vehicle they are working on and the Monitor Register to exercise and a drivers trace will appear on the computer screen and prompt the technician through the test procedure. This all occurs in the safety of your facility not on the road.
DIAGNOSITCS: Mustang offers many diagnostic tools to assist a technician to ascertain a fault in a system. The vehicle based diagnostic tools are OBD Scan Tools to interface to the ECM, our MAE-TCM Transmission Controller, Wire Harness Break-Out Boxes, Leak Detection Tools and others.