- GEN-5 control system for the MDT-Series Pull Only tow dynamometers
- GEN-5e for the MDTe-Series Push/Pull tow dynamometers.
The operator interface is virtually identical between the two systems except the GEN-5e allows the operator to command pushing as well as pulling forces by the tow dynamometer.
MAE offers many different options for its tow dynamometers ranging from control system additions to mechanical system additions. Please check out the different options and contact MAE for details.
The GPS control option is a common option when testing requirements require on-road to on-track vehicle load reproduction. The vehicle’s engine speed and CAN/OBDII are also popular options to monitor the vehicle sensors during testing.
MAE offers the GEN-5 control system for the MDT-Series Pull Only and GEN-5e for the MDTe-Series Push/Pull tow dynamometers. The operator interface is virtually identical between the two systems except the GEN-5e allows the operator to command pushing as well as pulling forces by the tow dynamometer. The control system allows the operator to perform different types of controlled tests:
- Speed
- Drawbar
- Engine rpm
- HP
- Polynomial
- Trailer simulation
- Manual (0-100%)
- Script testing
The operator selects a testing mode, or develops a script test which can contain multiple control modes and seamlessly switches between the control modes on the fly. After a test mode is selected the operator commands a set-point and drives the vehicle and tow dynamometer up to proper start speed. After achieving the desired test start speed the operator presses ‘Start Test’. The control system monitors the feedback signals of the tow dynamometer/vehicle; draw bar, speed, engine rpm and compares the feedback and command signal. The difference between the command and feedback is called the error signal and this is the signal used by the controller to apply the proper load by the motor/PAU attached to the tow dynamometer axle to allow the command and feedback signal to be the same or have a zero-error signal.
Additional data logging information can concurrently be recorded and saved by the control system. If configured with the GPS data recording system, the control system can also modify in real time the actual grade variations of the track. An operator heads-up screen can be added to display the desired throttle target for the driver to follow in association with the tow dynamometer loading.
Data can be displayed in graphical, digital or gauge type formats. A data graph review tool allows the operator to review the data in a graphical format. The control system allows for calibration of the different tow dynamometer and test vehicle sensors. The operator can also create script tests by selecting script test type, time or distance. Once the script test type is selected the operator can configure a script test using different control modes and set-points. The tow dynamometer loading will follow the script test as the operator is driving the test vehicle.
GPS data recording and playback with the MDTe- Push/Pull technology: When you want to reproduce recorded real-world road data to a vehicle on a test track you need this system combined with Mustangs MDTe-Series tow dynamometer. The GPS data in conjunction with MAE’s e-Series tow dynamometer controller is used to reproduced the same on-track loads to an electric, hybrid or engine driven vehicle on a test track as to those applied to a vehicle when driven on the road.
- A vehicle is driven on the road and the GPS data recorder as well as other customer supplied data recording is used to record vehicle on-road data including speed, acceleration, grade and position.
- The captured on-road data and vehicle parameters are loaded into the MAE MDTe-Series tow dynamometer controller, via a *.CVS file. The on-road data is converted into real time speed command and loading data to display to the driver the appropriate speed to control and the tow dynamometer applies the appropriate load to reproduce the on-road forces to the vehicle while on the test track. A heads-up display shows the operator the appropriate speed to drive at or an optional throttle actuator is available to control the vehicle speed allowing the control system to perform all the work while the driver just drives the car. There are installed driver safeties so the driver can take over the throttle whenever required or desired.
- Since most test tracks have grades and are not flat, we use the GPS data recorder during vehicle on-track data playback with the MAE MDTe-Series tow dynamometer controller to offset the test track grades.
- MDTe-Push/Pull all electric
- MDTe-Push/Pull hybrid with electric motor and eddy current PAU(s)
- Additional data channels interfaced to the control system
- Test vehicle engine RPM measurement system, used to measure and control the test vehicle engine speed with the tow dynamometer.
- CAN/OBDII vehicle bus interface and data acquisition.
- Wireless touch screen display
- Wireless tough pad display
- GPS data recording system for on-road to on-track true vehicle simulation
- Throttle control: controls the test vehicle engine speed while the tow dynamometer controls the load. For track playback.
- Electrical signal interface
- Mechanical actuator interface.
- Brake pedal force measurement sensor
- Drawbar load cell calibration tools
- 5th-wheel speed measurement system
- Integrated PTO testing while towing on-track or stationary
- Shift on-the-fly gearbox.
- 5th wheel drawbar measurement systems
- Drawbar calibration system
- Independent floating axles
- Air ride suspension
- Auto leveling
- Test vehicle fuel measurement
- Test vehicle sound measurement
- Test vehicle verbal communication system
- Ballast weights
- Dolly wheels for 5th wheel to pintle or clevis towing conversion.
- PAU cooling fans
MAE offers our GEN-5 control system for the MDT-Series Pull Only and GEN-5e for the MDTe-Series Push/Pull Tow Dynamometers. The operator interface is virtually identical between the two control systems except the GEN-5e allows the operator to command pushing as well as pulling forces by the tow dynamometer.
MDT- Pull Only Power Control System
The GEN-5 power control system is associated with the MDT-Series Pull Only tow dynamometers. This system uses a standard generator to supply power to the GEN-5 control system. The AC power from the generator is converted to variable DC power by the EC inverter. The variable DC power is then fed to the axle connected eddy current PAU(s) DC coils to control the amount of drawbar force being applied to the test vehicle. The drawbar force is measured by a load cell mounted in the tongue of the tow dynamometer.

MDTe- Push/Pull Power Control System
The GEN-5e power control system is associated with the MDTe-Series Push/Pull tow dynamometers. The Gen-5e power control system is more complicated than the GEN-5 Pull Only control system. This system uses a custom designed high-power generator to supply power to the control system. The AC power from the generator is converted to common DC bus power by the generator inverter. The common DC bus voltage is monitored by the battery management system and/or the braking transistor. When the tow dynamometer is pulling the common DC bus voltage rises and the battery management system starts to charge the batteries. If the batteries are unable use enough DC bus voltage then the higher DC bus voltage is fed into the braking resistors. When the tow dynamometer is in a pushing mode, power is taken from the generator supplied power to the common DC bus, and if more power is required it is taken from the battery pack. The traction inverter is a special inverter capable of motoring or regenerating power from the traction motor. The traction motor is connected to the axle of the vehicle and is used for both pushing and pulling the tow dynamometer.